Safe Haven Wellness Special

Kiss Overwhelm Goodbye & Say Hello to

Peace & Well-being!

Introducing Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being for Uncertain Times, the perfect companion to your wellness journey! For a limited time, purchase your copy of the Pocketbook and receive a Health & Wellness Tracker, DIY Meal Planner & Symphony of Nature Relaxation Soundscape MP3 bonuses to support and nourish your health and well-being, completely free!

Yes! I want this!

Does This sound like You?

You wake up each morning feeling more exhausted than the day before.
You feel like you should be happy, but you can't shake the vague sense of unease.

You're tired of an endless stream of distractions that drain anything of meaning and value in your life.

You're totally over the constant 24-hour news cycle that bombards you with the doom and gloom of yet another variant, a new virus, economic instability, or the war in Ukraine.
You feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, like the world keeps spinning out of control.

If this is you...

If this is you, you may be experiencing the effects of burnout and chronic stress.
Chronic stress can leave you depleted and susceptible to
illness and burnout.
This is a warning sign from your mind, body and soul that
everything is not okay.
Don't wait for a wake-up call to take action.

Send Me My Safe Haven!

A Perfect Storm of Overwhelm

It's no wonder we feel exhausted, stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

For many of us, an ever-present level of anxiety hums along in the background of our awareness. Part of this anxiety is because we never really know what's around the corner.


COVID reminded us how fragile our world can be, with its unprecedented impact on many aspects of our lives.

Add to that the effect of climate change with floods and fires, war in Ukraine, and global economic uncertainty, and we have the potential for a perfect storm of overwhelm.

This is on top of the usual stresses and strains of everyday life.

For many of us, there is lingering uncertainty about a world that no longer feels safe or predictable.


This is precisely why it is essential to cultivate an inner reserve that helps us deal with the stress and anxiety of uncertainty.

Did You Know

Did you know that chronic stress and tension can lead to poor health? We can literally feel as though we are drowning in stress.

Catecholamines–or stress hormones–are released into our bloodstream as part of our 'Flight, Fight or Freeze' response. This survival mechanism kicks in when the body is under real or perceived threat. Over time, chronic stress and the 'stress response' leave our coping mechanisms drained. We become more susceptible to illness and burnout.

No wonder we are craving the chance to pause, catch our breath, recalibrate, and reset our bodies, minds, and souls.

A Roadmap to Calm

The good news is there is a way to rediscover calm, peace, and hope and rebuild our inner reserve of strength and resilience.
When we reconnect with our passion, joy and purpose, we create a space for healing and restoration, allowing our parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems the chance to balance and recalibrate. This helps reduce damaging stress hormones that leave your nervous system overwhelmed and more susceptible to ill health.

Now more than ever, we need simple strategies to ease overwhelm, a roadmap designed to create peace and well-being in this time of uncertainty.

Safe Haven: a Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being for Uncertain Times

is that roadmap.

Purchase here
SK Reid

Finding Hope

Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being for Uncertain Times is a roadmap to help navigate your way to peace & well-being.

Filled with simple tips and suggestions to delight mind, body and soul, Safe Haven Pocketbook is a companion guide to help you find your way through difficult days. Safe Haven shows you how to create a refuge from stress and overwhelm by intentionally nurturing pockets of joy so that each day is filled with peace and calm even when life is hectic, uncertain or challenging.

SK Reid
SK Reid

Finding Hope.

Finding Soul.

Safe Haven is

Loving the Life You're In

What People Say about Safe Haven

SK Reid and Charlene Walters PhD

"Safe Haven is a must-read for anyone who is struggling with today's uncertainty and isolation. Do yourself a favor and enjoy it while soaking in a lavender bath or sitting under a canopy of trees." 

Charlene Walters, PhD - author of Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur: 10 Mindset Shifts for Women to Take Action, Unleash Creativity, and Achieve Financial Success.

SK Reid with Cindy Rae

"Sasha's pocketbook, Safe Haven, is filled with great advice for a healthy mind and body. Each chapter covers essential elements to finding peace which we all need in these troubled times. At the end of the book is a handy resource page if you, a loved one, or an acquaintance needs help. I especially loved the beautiful pictures and quotes."

Cindy Rae, Founder, Beautiful at Any Age.

SK Reid with Sonal Chibbber

"This beautiful pocketbook is a must-have. It's a perfect companion for times of stress and uncertainty with its rich source of wisdom and information to help everyone in troubled times. Highly recommended."

Sonal Chhibber, Author, Living Life on Own Terms.

Get the book!

Hi there! I'm Sasha

I write books and create tools and resources to show you how to find peace and well-being, especially if you are dealing with a life that feels upside-down. Life-challenging and unexpected situations like losing your job, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, or coping with grief and loss turn our world upside down.

Helping people like YOU tap into your inner resilience and find ways to nurture peace & well-being when life feels overwhelming and a little crazy is my passion. Let's face it! These past couple of years have been exactly that!

Resilience is our saving grace and holds the key to navigating our way through difficult times. And there IS a way, my friend!

Sasha enjoying afternoon sun

You Are Not Alone.

These past couple of years have reminded us how precarious and precious our mental and physical health and well-being are.

Now more than ever, we need simple tools to help protect our mental health and reclaim

our well-being.

No matter how crazy the world gets, you don't have to navigate this path alone.

Thankfully, help is here. 

In Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being,

I share with you simple tools, guidance and suggestions to help you reclaim joy,

rekindle hope, and reconnect with peace and well-being, one day at a time.

Bonus Offer

Order your copy of Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being and receive a bonus Welcome Pack with Health & Wellness Tracker, DIY Meal Planner & Symphony of Nature Relaxation Soundscape MP3 as part of the Wellness Special Bundle.

Ready to create your Safe Haven?

Purchase Options

PAPERBACK with Digital Wellness Bundle

  • Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being for Uncertain Times full-colour paperback
  • Health & Wellness Tracker, A4, full colour, 47 pages
  • Bonus Black & White version for easy printing
  • DIY Meal Planner, full-colour A4, 36 pages 
  • Symphony of Nature Relaxation Soundscape MP3
Safe Haven Flash Sale Bundle Special
Buy Now

EBOOK with Digital Wellness Bundle

  • Safe Haven: A Pocketbook of Peace & Well-being for Uncertain Times eBook
  • Health & Wellness Tracker, A4, full colour, 47 pages
  • Bonus Black & White version for easy printing
  • DIY Meal Planner, full-colour A4, 36 pages 
  • Symphony of Nature Relaxation Soundscape MP3

Limited Time Offer.

These bonuses disappear when the timer gets to zero.

Still Unsure? Don't leave empty-handed!

Grab my FREE Self-Care Audit and find out

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COVID turned the world upside down.

Let Safe Haven turn your world

the right way up.