Unlocking Resilience: Your Guide to Navigating Breast Cancer

Empower yourself with knowledge, resilience, and unwavering support on your breast cancer journey.

Yes! I want this!

Are you facing a breast cancer diagnosis and feeling overwhelmed?

The fear, uncertainty, and countless questions can be paralysing. You're not alone; many have walked this path, and we understand the challenges you're facing.

If this is you...

I've been there. I understand the profound shock that comes with a cancer diagnosis and how it can shake the very foundation of your world. I know the overwhelming confusion that often accompanies the myriad of treatment options presented, each path seeming like a labyrinth of choices. And I'm intimately familiar with the weight of uncertainty that hangs in the air, the constant worry about what the future might hold for you and your loved ones.

An Empathetic Understanding: Sharing Personal Experience

My understanding isn't born of clinical knowledge alone; it's rooted in personal experience. I've navigated the same turbulent waters, faced the same fears, and grappled with the same questions that you're grappling with right now.

That's why I'm here—to lend you my support, to guide you with empathy, and to be a beacon of hope on your journey to healing and resilience.

What if you had a comprehensive guide to navigate your breast cancer journey? One that provides clarity, empowers you with knowledge, and offers unwavering support, every step of the way.


Imagine a future where you have a clear understanding of your diagnosis, treatment options, and the support you need. Picture a path where resilience and hope shine brighter than fear and uncertainty.

In this journey, we invite you to envision a future where clarity illuminates your path. Picture a landscape where the intricate details of your diagnosis and treatment options are crystal clear, allowing you to make informed decisions.

In this vision, the support you need is readily available, weaving a safety net of care and empathy around you. On this path, resilience and hope emerge as your steadfast companions, casting a radiant light that eclipses fear and uncertainty. Together, we'll navigate toward this brighter horizon, where empowerment and healing await.

A Roadmap to Calm

Introducing "Navigating Your Breast Cancer Journey." This comprehensive guide is your trusted companion, offering insights, support, and hope. 

Through these pages, this FREE guide is here to assist you every step of the way, making your journey through breast cancer more manageable and empowering.

SK Reid

Finding Hope

Roadmap to Resilience: A Guide for New Breast Cancer Patients is a roadmap to help navigate your way through your cancer journey.

Filled with simple tips and suggestions to anchor mind, body and soul, Roadmap to Resilience is a companion guide to help you find your way through difficult days. Roadmap to Resilience shows you how to get clarity on your cancer journey and create a refuge from stress and overwhelm, helping you create peace and calm even when life is hectic, uncertain or challenging.

Finding Hope.

Finding Soul.

Roadmap to Resilience:




Hi there! I'm Sasha

I write books and create tools and resources to show you how to find peace and well-being, especially if you are dealing with a life that feels upside-down. Life-challenging and unexpected situations like losing your job, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, or coping with grief and loss turn our world upside down.

Helping people like YOU tap into your inner resilience and find ways to nurture peace & well-being when life feels overwhelming and a little crazy is my passion. Let's face it! A cancer diagnosis turns your life upside down!

Resilience is our saving grace and holds the key to navigating our way through difficult times. And there IS a way, my friend!

Sasha enjoying afternoon sun

You Are Not Alone.

A cancer diagnosis reminds us how precarious and precious our physical health and well-being are.

Now more than ever, we need simple tools to help support

our well-being through our cancer journey.

No matter how difficult your path is, you don't have to navigate this alone.

Thankfully, help is here. 

In Roadmap to Resilience: A Guide for New Breast Cancer Patients

I share with you simple tools, guidance and suggestions to help you navigate your way through your cancer journey, one step at a time.


Limited Time Offer.

This gift disappears when the timer gets to zero.

Cancer may have turned your world upside down.

Let Roadmap to Resilience turn your world

the right way up.