Unlock Healing and Hope

A Free Guide to Navigating Pregnancy and Infant Loss

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Are you grappling with the profound pain of pregnancy and infant loss

&unthinkable grief?

Do you feel as though your heart is breaking into a thousand pieces? The loss of a precious baby can leave you shattered, struggling to make sense of the world around you. This journey is filled with aching moments and questions without answers.

If this is you...

I want you to know that you are not alone.

I feel your pain

I've been there. I understand that losing a baby is an unimaginable heartache. The journey through pregnancy and infant loss grief is uniquely challenging, filled with sorrow and unanswered questions. You may feel lost, overwhelmed, and isolated, wondering if anyone truly understands the depth of your pain.

Send me the guide

An Empathetic Understanding: Sharing Personal Experience

It's a journey no one should have to take alone, and I am here to walk alongside you.

I understand your pain, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

My free guide is crafted with care, compassion, and a deep understanding of the emotions you're experiencing.

A Roadmap to Healing

During these trying times, oftentimes, it feels like we need a roadmap to help us find our way through– a guide that gently leads us through the complexities of grief. My guide is that missing piece, offering you a hand to hold on your path to healing.


Imagine finding comfort, strength, and a way to move forward as you navigate your unique grief journey. Picture a future where healing is possible and you carry your baby's memory with love and grace.

A Path to Peace

My free guide, Healing Hearts: A Guide to Coping with Pregnancy and Infant Loss, is your companion on this journey.

SK Reid

Finding Hope

Healing Hearts: A Guide to Coping with Pregnancy and Infant Loss is a roadmap to help navigate your way through your grief journey.

Filled with simple tips and suggestions to anchor mind, body and soul, Healing Hearts is a companion guide to help you find your way through difficult days. Healing Hearts explores grief and how to find ways to cope with your loss, and helps you create peace and calm even when you feel like your heart is broken into a thousand pieces.

Hi there! I'm Sasha

I'm a mum to two Angel babies, and I understand your grief. While everyone's grief is unique, one thing I know is that we are united in our shared grief and a silent bond.

I create books and resources to help you find peace and well-being, especially if you are dealing with a life that feels upside-down. Life-challenging and heartbreaking experiences like the loss of a pregnancy or the anguish of infertility turn our world upside down.

My passion is helping people like YOU navigate your way through your grief and heartache.

This is the path toward hope and healing.

And healing starts with one tiny step at a time.

Sasha enjoying afternoon sun

You need not walk this path Alone.

This guide is a gift from my heart to yours, offered with the hope that it brings you comfort, knowledge, and a sense of empowerment during this challenging journey.

It's free because I believe that everyone deserves compassionate support during their time of grief.

In Healing Hearts: A Guide to Coping with Pregnancy and Infant Loss

I share with you simple tools, guidance and suggestions to help you navigate your way through your grief journey, one step at a time.

Your loss may have turned your world upside down.

Let healing Hearts turn your world

the right way up.